Tips to Lose the Weight for Good!

Time for diet slimming weight loss. Health care and healthy nutrition. Young fitness woman fit girl with measure tape measuring her waistline showing thumb up successHave you or heard a friend say, “I just can’t lose weight!”  Most likely a more accurate statement may be “I just can’t keep off the weight I’ve lost.”  Almost everyone who tries to lose weight can, but after the diet and/or exercise program they were following ends, the weight creeps back on twice as fast as they lost it.  How do some people lose it and keep it off?  Here are a few tips if applied consistently helps keep the weight off for good.

  1.  Starting your day with a balanced breakfast.  When we sleep our metabolism slows way down.  If you tend to go most of the day without eating, you are losing precious hours that your metabolism could be much higher.  Those who eat a balanced breakfast within an hour of rising burn more fat in the hours that follow then those who don’t eat or eat just starch alone.  A balanced breakfast may include; some whole grain cereal, low fat milk, maybe some walnuts on the cereal and a little protein like an egg or peanut butter toast   So eat up and burn more fat!
  2. Eating extra snacks may help you stick to the plan.  Avoiding the hunger gremlin is one of the best ways to prevent sabotaging your efforts.  Often individuals are “too good;” not snacking all day.  So when they finally eat, being starved, they over do it; overloading the system and creating a fat building situation.  The very last thing we want!  Eating small frequent meals and snacks helps the body and mind stay in control!
  3. Cleanse the body naturally without the need to “detox” it.  The body is extremely efficient in removing waste and eliminating it.  Eating foods that are naturally high in water and fiber assists the body be more effective in the natural cleansing it does every day without the need to go on a diet that eliminates healthy foods to “detox” it.  Eating high fat and processed foods slow you down and are slower to move through the digestive system making you feel heavier and slow.  Therefore, eat high fiber and water content foods for normal and regular elimination, this will help you feel lighter and more energized to live an active life which will help keep the weight off

Author: Sandie Lynch MS, RD, LDN, PFT, Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, and Wellness Life Coach.  For more tips to maximize your metabolism and burn more fat for good, attend Wellness Workshops in the area by ATP Consultants, LLC with Sandie Lynch.  Don’t miss Sandie’s next workshop sponsored by KRB Customized Training Solution’s BYOB at the Wine Kitchen in Frederick, Maryland June 27that 5:00 pm.

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Disclaimer: The ATP lifestyle has a Christian Spiritual element which is sown throughout the education and coaching but being a Christian is not a requirement for individuals to learn how to love and honor their bodies for the amazing creation it is!