Archive for the Health Category

Empower your Body and Brain for the day.

Empower your Body and Brain for the day.

Do you struggle to wake up in the morning, hitting the snooze button “way” too many times?  Then drag yourself out of bed, rush out of the house, just to run back in because you forgot something.  You either take a large coffee with you or swing

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Eat More, Weigh Less…Feel Great!

Eat More, Weigh Less…Feel Great!

Could it be true, that we could eat more, weigh less and feel great? Most of the time when we think about trying to lose weight, we envision restricting our calories, eating smaller portions, having to drum up extra willpower to avoid those sweets at the office

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Weight Loss Resolution Success Tips

Weight Loss Resolution Success Tips

Well, we are in the 4th week of January 2012 and by next week the majority of individuals who have set New Year’s Resolutions will have gone back to old familiar habits. Now if you have set a new resolution I am not trying to be the

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Embrace a Joyful Spirit

Embrace a Joyful Spirit

We often sing about the joy this time of year brings. Sometimes the words can be empty and the emotion of joy a distant memory or even a highly desirable one that seems unattainable.  The Holidays can be very demanding with the high expectations of beautiful decorations,

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What “Triggers” Can Make Us Fat?

What “Triggers” Can Make Us Fat?

Is your environment making you fat? Well, ok, maybe not existing in your environment, but there could be “triggers” in your environment that may be sabotaging your success for a healthier you! Have you ever seriously considered what are the “triggers” that send you into a ‘tailspin”

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Food Addiction? How do we stop eating when we need to eat?

Food Addiction?  How do we stop eating when we need to eat?

Have you ever been eating a bag of chips and think “I need to stop” as you reach in to grab another handful?  How about when eating out you unbutton your pants so you can get more in? Excess weight is one of the biggest contributors of

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Disclaimer: The ATP lifestyle has a Christian Spiritual element which is sown throughout the education and coaching but being a Christian is not a requirement for individuals to learn how to love and honor their bodies for the amazing creation it is!