Sandie Says

Small Steps for Lasting Results

Stop Diets!  Diets promise quick weight loss and unfortunately the loss includes more than just fat, they also causes water and muscle loss, which slows metabolism.  If you are losing weight and your shape and strength, then you are losing muscle (lean body mass) too.  When the

Avoid the Diet Redo! 4 Tips for Creating Lasting Healthy Change.

  Are you ready for the changes that will happen this year?  Now, you may be asking, “What changes, what’s going on?”  Well, a new year is upon us and many prepare for it by making New Year’s Resolutions to be healthier, while others choose not to. 

Build Better Bones: Reduce Your Risk for Fractures.

Weak Bones (Osteoporosis):  Are you at risk? Maintain Your Independence by Building Better Bones Osteopenia is an indication of weakening bones.  Weak, porous, brittle bones is called Osteoporosis. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention more than five million people in the U.S. over age

Spice Up Your Love Life By Lowering Your Blood Pressure

Spice Up Your Love Life By Lowering Your Blood Pressure Is the health of your heart slowing things down in the bedroom? Much of the focus in February is on romantic love, but the American Heart Association has also declared it National Heart Month, where the focus

Disclaimer: The ATP lifestyle has a Christian Spiritual element which is sown throughout the education and coaching but being a Christian is not a requirement for individuals to learn how to love and honor their bodies for the amazing creation it is!