ATP 16-8-2 Fitness™ Classes

ATP Virtual Fitness is a program that provides women a combination of exercise, education, and encouragement on how to Attain Top Performance (ATP) in life.

The Exercise:

Sandie guides participants through energizing, fun, inspirational, and challenging exercises that target all areas of the body, from aerobic dance, effective core minimizing, and strengthening moves, complete body sculpting using various effective methods, including her “secret weapons” to maximize results with the least amount of investment!

The Education:

Sandie openly shares her extensive knowledge, training, personal and professional experience with participants to inspire, encourage, and motivate lasting change. Each exercise set is based on a health theme where Sandie weaves her 5 Key Principles throughout for Wholistic Well-being. She helps individuals sort out the media confusion on the latest health information. She strives to protect her clients from any misinformation providing “truth” and not “hype”; teaching evidence-based information and methods from professional research.

The Encouragement:

Sandie creates a safe, non-judgmental, confidential, supportive environment for her participants within a group coaching format. Individuals are readily embraced into the “ATP” community of other women. All shapes, sizes, and fitness levels come to ATP, starting where they are, they get assistance in the exercises as needed. During the coaching, individuals openly share as they feel lead regarding their challenges and goals for Attaining Top Performance in living life… strength more power, more peace, and more joy.

Virtual classes by ZoomVirtual Classes are 60 minutes long and include:

  • 45 minutes of exercise using inspiring Christian Music. Exercise includes fun and energizing low impact dance aerobics, challenging body sculpting moves using the body, a fitness ball, bands, and hand weights, and end with relaxing meditation.
  • 15 minutes of education discussion and coaching follows exercise on the theme material and geared toward individuals specific needs.

How to Participate:

  1. Join by Zoom.
  2. Contact Sandie to join in at
  3. Have available the following equipment:
    1. large fitness ball and mat.
    2. Hand weights that are challenging (increase gradually as able)
    3. Stretch bands both circle bands and straight ones. (Links for products can be provided.  No affiliation of products)
  4. Participate once or twice a week!
    • Mondays at 6:00 pm
    • Saturdays at 8:00 am

Benefits of ATP:

  • Learn tips and tricks on how to “win” in situations that sabotage your success
  • Build health, strength, and resilience within the body
  • Learn evidence-based strategies that get results to feel and look your best
  • ATP “secret weapons” to kick up your metabolism and burn more fat
  • Free 16 minute exercise routines that sculpt your body and optimize results
  • Free Eating plans that fuel your body for health, energy, and fat loss without starving
  • Create peace and joy in and about the body with aligning with the heart, mind, spirit, and soul for Wholistic Wellbeing
  • Tips to slow aging and build strength, beauty and health from the inside out!



Disclaimer: The ATP lifestyle has a Christian Spiritual element which is sown throughout the education and coaching but being a Christian is not a requirement for individuals to learn how to love and honor their bodies for the amazing creation it is!